We are here to answer questions and in a very practical way help you navigate your new life in Canada.
English Conversation Circles
Improve your English through Conversation Circles. Meet new friends.
Each week a different topic is discussed addressing issues such as food, weather, the health care system in Canada, Canada’s history, geography, education system, etc.
English Conversation Circles are available for students at Brock University and at Niagara College.
Interested? Please contact us via email: or use the ‘contact us‘ button at the top of the page.
Brock students:
Wednesdays, 5:00 PM
Thursdays, 4:00 PM
Check ExperienceBU for locations
Niagara College students:
Tuesdays, 7:00 PM – on Zoom
Click ‘Contact Us’ to participate
This is what students have said:
“English Conversation Circles helped me improve my confidence in speaking English”
“English Conversation Circles addressed relevant topics to help me navigate Canadian culture”.
Career Mentorship Program
You have expressed that finding a job here in Canada is one of the biggest needs international students have right now! We created this program to hopefully help you thrive in the Canadian job hunt and workplace.
This program pairs you with a working professional from your industry to run through three sessions, 1 to 1.5 hours each, of content about the Canadian workplace and your industry. Ask your questions directly to someone who has experience working in your field!
This program is available for students at Brock University.

To register, click button below.
Care and Support
Connect with us; we are here for you!
If you are lonely and in need of friends and caring support, we would love to hear from you and will respond promptly.
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Mental Health Resources
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis right now, there are several resources here to assist you. We provide this information as a support to you; we are not affiliated with any of these services.
Brock Students
Brock students can access mental health support from the following website.
Niagara College students
Niagara College students can access Mental Health Support at:

Assaulted Women’s Helpline
1-866-863-0511 or TTY 1-866-863-7868
Crisis Text Line
Community Addiction Services of Niagara
60 James Street, Suite 401, St. Catharines, ON. Access line 1-866-550-5205; available 24/7
Distress Centre
If you are distressed, stressed or in crisis, call:
St. Catharines, Niagara Falls and area –
Port Colborne, Wainfleet and area –
Welcome Packages
Are you a new international college or university student in the Niagara Region?
We would love to meet you and present you with a welcome package.

International Students
New international students living in the Niagara Region, click the button to apply for a welcome package.
Community Services
HOMESTAY and Support, Quarantine Homestay
and other international student services.
We offer QUARANTINE HOMESTAY for new or returning students.
ESL programs for adults